Recruiting for Open PTA Board and Critical Volunteer Roles in 2021-22

Raffle Coordinator Volunteer Needed Now!

We're looking for a volunteer to lead this year's all-remote raffle. You will receive training from the outgoing raffle coordinator, help sourcing prizes, and technical assistance setting up the digital raffle. The raffle is our final fundraiser of the year, and is a fun way to help our school continue to support vital core programs like P.E., counseling, literacy support, and more!

Recruiting for 2021-22

It that time of year when we start looking for volunteers to take on roles that will be open next year. Recruiting now allows time for shadowing/training, and gives us time to vote in board member positions which require a vote from the general PTA. 

  • PTA board positions have 2 year term limits. Board members attend monthly board meetings (in addition to general PTA meetings)

  • Other volunteer roles do not have limits, and can be held for only one year, or many more.

Open positions

PTA Board Roles:

PTA Co-Chair: Helps lead a PTA towards specific goals consistent with PTA purposes and policies for the year. Champions PTA outreach and community awareness. Upholds the bylaws and performs president’s duties during absences. At Ruth Acty, we refer to the president and EVP roles as co-chairs.

Co-Auditor: reviews the books and financial reporting of the PTA. Completes Audit form and submits to the district. Audits are due twice a year Fall and Spring. (this role would shadow our current auditor, and be in charge of audits the following year).

Communications Coordinator: Responsible for sharing/organizing/prioritizing community news, PTA information, and school updates as needed. Working with classroom partners, committee volunteers and school representatives to produce weekly updates and communications as needed. Is responsible for the PTA website, with support from the webmaster.

Volunteer Roles (more to come):

Room Partner Coordinator: Supports room partners in setting up class email lists and coordinating news and requests that they will share with their classes.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact for more information. 

Caitlin Appert