PTA Meeting Tuesday Evening, 12/10

Adults Learn at Jefferson Too!

We hope you can come to the PTA meeting in the school library this Tuesday evening from 6–7:30 pm for snacks and presentations on:

March 2020 Parcel Tax and Bond Measures: The presentation on these three school-focused bond and parcel tax measures will be followed by a PTA vote on whether to give our support.

Response to Intervention Explainer: Come learn about Jefferson's pioneering Response to Intervention program and how we're bringing social-emotional learning beyond the classroom and onto the yard (and beyond).

We'll also be voting on budgeting for T-shirts + food at Jefferson community events.

Free childcare and dinner for kids! Email Karissa Cornett to reserve.

We're all part of the PTA: Come out to learn, connect, and make your voice heard!

eventsCaitlin Appert